Preparation for integration

OPT-PAY API is consisted of 3DS Authentication and Payment Service.

Merchant Authentication

Preparation agenda for Payment Service

- Merchant code provided from Optatumplatform(clientCode)
- Merchant authorization(Authorize) token
- Authorization token of customer’s payment information(authorizationId) before Payment Service

'clientCode', 'Authorize' shall be used for each VerifyID and Authorization value, that key value(Key-Value) consists in header.
'authorizationId' shall be used only for payment approval, other services(approval cancel, capture, refund, void) should request by consisting field value with 'originalTransactionId' that can be received after payment approval.

Firewall Settings

Description of CallbackLocation

If partner company has a firewall, you need to allow Optatum Server IP and Port 80, 443